Linux Commands Cheat Sheet


3 min read


As we are learning Devops, linux is very basic and important part of the Devops's journey as around 50 %-60% of devops depends on it. Linux is an open-source operating system whose source code is available for modification and commercial and non-commercial distribution under the guidelines of the GNU General Public License.

  • Linux is a freely available open-source OS.

  • Linux maintians privacy of the user and lot more secure than windows OS.

  • Linux is easy to install and network friendly.

    Linux Basic Commands

    File and Directory commands

  • ls - Lists all the files and directories inside the current directory in which you are.

  • ls -a - Lists all the files and directories in the current directory along with the hidden files.

  • ls -l - Lists all the files and directories in the current directory with the details.

  • ls -al - Lists files and directories of the current directory along with the details like permissions (read, write, execute), owner, file/dir size, etc.

  • cd - This command is used to move to root directory.

  • cd .. - This is used to move one level up directory.

  • cd dirName - This command is used to move from one directory to particular directory. Ex: cd Desktop

  • mkdir - This command creates a directory. Ex: mkdir devops

  • rmdir - This command removes a directory. Ex: rmdir devops

  • mv fileName “new file path” - This command moves file to specified path. Ex: mv file1.txt Docs/

  • mv fileName newName - This command changes name of the file to newName. Ex:mv file1.txt file2.txt

  • pwd - It prints present working directory.

    File permission commands

    There are three types of people accessing files i.e., user, group and others.CHMOD method is used to give permission to files.

    4 - read(r), 2 - write(w), 1 - execute(x) i.e., (4+2+1=7)

      chmod 777 - read,write and execute for all.
      chmod 755 - rwx for user, rx for group and others.

Disk Usage Commands

  • du pathofdirectory - To find out the disk usage summary.

  • du -h pathofdirectory - This will bring up your information in human readable format

  • du -sh nameofdirectory - This is to find out total disk usage

    System Information Commands

  • who - It gives logged in name of user, date and time and remote hostname of user.

  • whoami - It gives name of logged in user.

  • hostname - Shows the name of the system host.

  • whereis fileName - It gives possible locations of fileName.

  • date - This command is used to show the current date and time.

  • cal - Shows the calendar of the current month.

  • clear - Clears the terminal i.e. no previous command will be visible on the screen now.

    Environment Variable Commands

  • env - This command displays all the environment variables.

  • echo $Variable - This command displays the environment variable.

    Root Commands

5 ways to become a sudo user in Linux OS

  • sudo -i

  • sudo -s

  • sudo su -

  • su -root

  • su -

I hope these commands help in learning basics of linux. I will keep on updating this commands as I learn in future.

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